Supporting parents with their children’s nutrition needs

Children and toddlers eating habits can be a mystery to parents, and a source of anxiety. Eight out of ten Australian parents are concerns about their child’s eating habits.

Normal eating for children and toddlers

Toddlers and children are recommended to eat a varied diet according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, including:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Grain (ceral) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties
  • Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, legumes/beans
  • Milk, yoghurt, cheese

The volume of food that children need to eat depends on their growth and level of physical activity, and as such their appetites can change from day to day.

Fussy and picky eating are generally normal childhood behaviours

Fussy and picky eating are two slightly different eating habits that have been associated with conflict at mealtimes and high levels of parental frustration. Picky eaters are selective about what they eat and will eat a limited variety of foods. In contrast, fussy eaters are inconsistent and will like a food one day and reject it the next. Fussy eating is part of childhood development, and may be a way of a child exploring their environment and asserting their independence.

When should parents be worried?

If a child has enough energy to play, learn and explore, they are probably eating enough. However, if a child eats in a very restrictive or selective way, won’t eat entire food groups, or has a small or reduced appetite, they may not be receiving enough nutrition.

If parents are concerned that their child is not developing and reaching milestones they should consult a GP, maternal child nurse, or paediatrician.

How can parents support their children’s nutrition?

Children are more likely to eat in low stress environments. Parents can support their children’s nutrition by:

  • Making mealtimes happy, regular and relaxed
  • Introducing new foods slowly and regularly
  • Nurturing independence by involving the child in food preparation
  • Supplementing their diet with Oral Nutritional Supplements provided there are no underlying causes, or concerns that a child is undernourished

Referral to a GP, maternal child nurse, paediatrician or a dietitian is recommended if there are concerns that a child is undernourished.

Oral Nutritional Supplements can support some children’s nutrition

Oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are supplements containing a combination of macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats as well as micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

The use of ONS may be appropriate to support the nutrition of children who are at risk of undernutrition due to fussy eating, who are not undernourished, or who have been recommended by a dietitian as part of a meal plan.

These may be incorporated as part of a meal, or are often given as a snack. Evidence shows that the addition of ONS in children at risk of poor nutrition results in improvement in appetite, catch-up growth, and diet.

If appropriate, these can be used:

  • With meals as a shake
  • Between meals as a shake
  • To fortify foods such as cereals and soups

Visit GuildEd module ‘Managing nutrition in children’ for more information on children’s nutritional needs, and supporting parents.


  1. Health Kids Association, Solutions fo fussy eaters, viewed 17 July 2021, Available at :
  2. Better Health Channel, n.d, Toddlers and fussy eating, Better Health Channel, viewed 21 April 2021,
  1. Australian Government Department of Health, 2015, Australian Dietary Guidelines 1-5,, viewed 10 April 2021, 
  2. Le Billon, K 2012, Fussy Eater or Picky Eater – what’s the difference? And what to do about it?, viewed 19 April 2021,
  3. Raising Children Network, 2019, Fussy Eating, Raising Children Network, viewed 19 April 2021,
  4. Wolstenholme, H., Kelly, C., Hennessy, M. et al. 2020, ‘Childhood fussy/picky eating behaviours: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies’. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 17, 2 (2020),
  5. Health Direct, 2019, Developmental milestones, Health Direct, viewed 10 April 2021,
  6. Better Health Channel, n.d, Toddlers and fussy eating, Better Health Channel, viewed 21 April 2021,
  7. Hill, S M 2017, ‘Oral Nutritional Supplementation, a user’s guide’, Paediatrics and child health, 2017 27:8 viewed 22 April 2021
  8. Huynh, DTT et al 2015, ‘Longitudinal growth and health outcomes in nutritionally at risk children who received long-term nutritional intervention’, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 28(6) p.623-635, viewed 22 April 2021
  9. Huynh, DTT et al 2016, ‘Impact of long-term use of oral nutritional supplement on nutritional adequacy, dietary diversity, food intake and growth of Filipino preschool children’, Journal of Nutritional Science, vol. 5, e20, p.1-11, viewed 22 April 2021

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