The Guild Intern Training Program – At the forefront of community pharmacy

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has been an established and respected pharmacy industry body in Australia for 90 years.

Being at the forefront of community pharmacy, the Guild Intern Training Program (ITP) focuses on practical learning including clinical and professional studies, ensuring interns walk away with ‘real world’ experience and training.

One way in which the Guild ITP is doing this is by providing all Guild interns complimentary access to the Guild Vaccination Course for Pharmacists.

Pharmacy Guild of Australia National Manager for the Intern Training Program Tim Roberts said the program provided those enrolled the opportunity to upskill at no extra cost.

“The Guild ITP is committed to ensuring that all enrolees in the program are appropriately skilled to practice to the full extent of their scope as a pharmacist,” he said.

“By including the Guild Vaccination Course for Pharmacists as a free benefit with the Guild ITP, we are preparing the future pharmacist workforce to provide safe and convenient access to pharmacist-led vaccination services across Australia.”

Mr Roberts said research had shown the importance of offering vaccination at a community pharmacy level.

“Market research conducted as part of the Guild’s Community Pharmacy 2025 (CP2025) project found patients strongly supported expanded health services being available from their local pharmacy, with vaccination one of the most frequently nominated services. That’s why the Pharmacy Guild of Australia is committed to ensuring that early career pharmacists are skilled, ready and able to deliver vaccination services and support their local community’s health”, he said.

Guild interns also receive a free subscription to ITK Magazine, keeping interns up to date with the latest industry news, exclusive updates and business, health and new drug features.

The Guild ITP is also focused on ensuring that both interns and preceptors are supported throughout the intern year.

Preceptors receive a manual detailing everything they’ll need for their time as a preceptor, along with access to a series of four CPD-accredited modules to aid in managing the learning environment and mentoring interns.

The Guild ITP is the market leader in value at just $1,855, offers challenging clinical content, work ready outcomes, ongoing exam support and free access to industry events including APP* on the Gold Coast and Pharmacy Connect^ in Sydney.

Enrolments in the Guild ITP are open across all States and Territories in Australia. To find out more visit, email [email protected] or call 1300 110 161.

*APP registration excludes Street Party
^Pharmacy Connect registration excludes Conference Dinner

Disclaimer: Ability for pharmacists to undertake training and provide administration of vaccinations varies across all States and Territories, all Guild enrolled interns will be provided with an opportunity to complete the Guild Vaccination Course for Pharmacists* at an appropriate time for their jurisdiction of practice. To find out more, please contact one of our clinical tutors on 1300 110 161. 

*In South Australia, interns will have complimentary access to Vaccination Services Delivered by Pharmacists (Pharmacy Guild of Australia) and Understanding Vaccines and Adult Vaccination Requirements for Workplace Programs training (approved programs in South Australia).


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