Today, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Queensland Branch President, Chris Owen, congratulated the Crisafulli Government after their swearing-in ceremony in Brisbane.
Mr. Owen said the Pharmacy Guild had been working very closely with Premier Crisafulli’s team while in Opposition and was looking forward to continuing to work with the newly formed government.
“Premier Crisafulli and his team have run a very disciplined campaign and have made firm commitments to improve the health care of Queenslanders across the state,” said Mr. Owen.
“We’re looking forward to continuing the constructive relationship we have built with Mr. Crisafulli and his team as we partner with them in delivering better health outcomes for Queenslanders through community pharmacy,” Mr. Owen said.
Mr. Owen also congratulated Tim Nicholls MP on his appointment as Minister for Health and ambulance services.
“Minister Nicholls is well known to community pharmacists across Queensland, and we look forward to working closely with him in the coming years,” said Mr. Owen.

Mr. Owen said that community pharmacists were looking forward to working closely with the Crisafulli government to improve healthcare options for Queenslanders.
“One of the key factors impacting emergency departments is the lack of access to GPs across the state,” said Mr. Owen, “this lack of access has a knock-on impact which means Queenslanders are forced to go to Hospital Emergency Departments to receive care. This also impacts general access and ambulance ramping,” said Mr. Owen.
“Allowing community pharmacists to practice to a fuller scope and offer more options for front-line health services to patients will reduce pressure on our hospital emergency departments,” said Mr. Owen.
“In contrast, community pharmacy is highly accessible. 97% of people who live in metropolitan areas live within 2.5 kilometres of their nearest community pharmacy, and 83% of regional Australians live within five kilometres of their community pharmacy,” Mr. Owen said.
“We wish the Crisafulli Government well and look forward to working closely with them to deliver on their election commitments.”